This is Jackson's very first trip to the Beach. We had so much fun. We went and stayed at Carter's house in Huntington Beach. We walked from Carter's home to the beach! It was so lovely. Jackson could have played at the beach all day if we let him. We will definitely be visiting Uncle Carter's home often. If you are wondering what is on Jackson's nose, it is a battle wound from the asphalt outside. Jack tripped over Sady the dog and landed face first into the ground :( He's a tough little guy though, he barely cried.
This is Jack after we came back from the beach, he was so relaxed and it was hard to wake him up.
This picture was taken back in February of 2005. It was the very first day I met Megan, my future mother-in-law, Aunt & Uncle and a whole bunch of cousins. We had a blast and I honestly felt like the luckiest girl in the world to be part of such a great family.
Jackson has high hopes for a little guy, and that's ok because he is little :) Jackson tries so hard to make baskets outside, it makes me smile and I am so proud of our little baller!